Best way to get Dark Winter? : r/thedivision - Reddit
Aug 5, 2022 · Dark winter is the named version of the .45 cal Vector SMG. To OP: Vender caches or catching it for sale on a DZ merchant is currently your best bet. I think DZ targeted loot is still broken so farming DZ when it shows SMGs as targeted loot will not improve your chances.
Any good builds for Dark Winter? : r/thedivision - Reddit
Aug 28, 2022 · Problem with Dark Winter is proc chance that's why dps can go both ways. I believe its been tested and talents like fast hands actually nets you better dps because you can get back in the fight faster. All that being said, Hunters Fury with Ceska or Sokolov chest with obliterate and Memento will work wonders.
Dark winter but I look good in orange : r/coloranalysis - Reddit
I actually don’t think you’re a dark winter at all, I agree with you that you’re riding that line but closer on the line to dark autumn. A lot of these cooler colors wash you out - notably black which is too heavy for you, and that’s a great tell for whether or not you’re a winter. Meanwhile the greens and warmer oranges look amazing.
Dark Autumn? Dark Winter? Why not both? : r/coloranalysis - Reddit
Aug 30, 2022 · True to dark autumn! You have warmth, the cooler and or brighter the colors get, the more they clash with your tones, you are burnished, muted, but have depth. You look good in blue, teal, peacock, brown, dark green, and I'm sure you could pull off some darker red browns, plum purples, the navy, that terracotta color for sure, and more!
CMMG Banshee vs Dark Winter Vector : r/thedivision - Reddit
Apr 30, 2021 · The burst dps on the dark winter will be higher, but which one you use will depend on what your doing. On higher difficulties the vector and on kill talents like killer become less effective and a banshee with strained will be more effective. If you can't kill elites reliably in a single clip then you shouldn't use the vector.
How to achieve Ingenue essence in a Dark Winter Palette?
Aug 28, 2022 · I’m a Dark Winter with a light Asian skin tone and I’m having a difficult time incorporating Ingenue style into outfits and my makeup. I'm afraid that I might look too "dramatic". In terms of my features, I have dark black-brown hair, large black-brown eyes, thick but rounded dark eyebrows, a round face, a round nose, slightly bowed lips ...
Dark winter with Green eyes? : r/coloranalysis - Reddit
Jan 16, 2024 · Dark winter with Green eyes? Colour/Theory Question I've been marked as deep winter a few times since making my drapes post, but all dark/ deep winter descriptions say dark eyes and mine are Green.
Dark Winter SMG : r/Division2 - Reddit
Jan 19, 2022 · 19 votes, 30 comments. I was wondering if you can get the Dark Winter SMG, from anywhere I have been trying to get it for well over 1 week now, and…
Can someone be Dark Autumn and Dark Winter at the same time?
Apr 10, 2022 · I’m pretty sure I’m dark autumn, but I’ve noticed that a lot of my wardrobe is dark winter. I am better at coordinating cool colors. I have an easy time putting together a dark winter outfit, but I’m hesitant to mix autumn colors. (It’s probably because I’m a millennial who came of age during the early-2000’s backlash against 90s ...
Differentiating between Cool/True Winter and Deep/Dark Winter?
Aug 31, 2021 · Dark Winter Dark Lime Green (Column 4, Row 4), Garnet Red (C3 ,R6), Purple Grape (C8, R5) True Winter ...