Coleus, Flame Nettle, Painted Nettle 'Mixed Hybrids, Noids'
Coleus, Flame Nettle, Painted Nettle 'Mixed Hybrids, Noids' Coleus scutellarioides. Upload Image ...
Crazy For Coleus: History and Care - Dave's Garden
Aug 2, 2012 · Coleus prefer a moist well drained soil, but do not like "wet feet" and will develop root and stem rot. Usually disease free, Coleus may be prone to mealy bugs, aphids and whitefly. Testament to the many varieties available today, Coleus growth as a preferred annual plant has certainly taken on a life of its own.
Trailing Coleus: Overwintering in a Basket - Dave's Garden
Oct 20, 2013 · I am a transplanted New Yorker, writer, and novice gardener learning more and more each season. My plant of choice is Coleus (growing to include roses and others as I become more passionate about gardening). Other long time interests include book collecting and quilting. More articles by Joyce B. Gladden
Winter Projects: Starting Coleus Indoors - Dave's Garden
Jan 20, 2015 · Coleus is a tender perennial planted as an annual in non-tropic zones and often used as an indoor plant. Some of the common names of Solenostemon scutellarioides include coleus, painted-nettle and jewels of the garden. The vibrant world of coleus cultivars. There are over 500 varieties of coleus in cultivation.
Coleus, Flame Nettle, Painted Nettle 'Pink Chaos' - Dave's Garden
Coleus, Flame Nettle, Painted Nettle 'Pink Chaos' Coleus scutellarioides. Upload Image ...
Ayurvedic Herb: Coleus forskohlii - Dave's Garden
May 18, 2009 · I consulted with representatives from Gaia Herbs in North Carolina, and with Coleus expert Ray Rogers in search of health and nutrition information about the Ayurvedic herb, Coleus forskohlii. Solenostemon scutellarioides is the …
Beginner Gardening:coleus - Dave's Garden
Apr 30, 2007 · Coleus can be overwintered indoors.I have 2 (at last count I have 73 different ones)that I have overwintered for 3 years.I use a rooting hormone,But I know some that just stick it in good soil.yes they are still the same their are thousands of varietys of Coleus.They can be massed out or single,they are a very tolerant plant.Any good soil will be fine for them.For more …
Rooting woody coleus stems - Dave's Garden
Jul 4, 2006 · I have a couple of coleus which have grown woody towards the bottom and I would like to know if a woody stem is as easy to root as the green non-woody parts. They are woody down near the base of the plant, and I wanted to cut one down there and make it a seperate plant. Does anyone know if this works well? Thanks,
what about hybridizing coleus? - Dave's Garden
May 1, 2007 · Thanks for the responses;) I think i will let the bees do the work... I collected only seeds from tilt-a-whirl last year, although i could have probably collected many- i had a 25-30 foot row of coleus last year that i let grow wild because I was too big and clumsy (TOO PREGNANT lol) to deadhead much...
How cold tolerant are most coleus...Zn 5 question - Dave's Garden
May 3, 2014 · Hello all you Coleus Gurus out there! I have over a 100 coleus plants in 4" pots that I grew from cuttings for my Garden Club plant sale. Here in New England it's still getting down to about 40 overnight some nights. I want to start hardening these off, since our plant sale is in 3 weeks, and I also need to get them out of my house!