AH-HA Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of AH-HA is variant spelling of aha.
AHA MOMENT Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of AHA MOMENT is a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension. How to use aha moment in a sentence.
AHA Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of AHA is —used to express surprise, triumph, or derision. How to use aha in a sentence.
Confusing Words – Aah, Ah, Ahh, Aw, and Awe - Lisa's Writopia
Nov 16, 2017 · Aah, ah, ahh, aw, and awe are all pronounced the same—at least they are in the part of the country where I live—but each one has a different meaning. I know that I’ve used at least one of them in the wrong way before.
Dictionary of Interjections (aww, oh, ah, eek, oops)
Used to get someone's attention, especially if they don't know (or apparently forgot) that you're there. Realisation, understanding. Sometimes it means "aaah" or "eh" instead. ahhh.. "Ahh... This hot tub is amazing" "Damn!" "Argh, the car won't work!" "How sweet!" "Aww, it hit him right in the nuts!" "Come on!" "Aw, don't be like that!"
Ah-ha – Definition & Meaning - Words Wiki
Ah-ha is an exclamation that is used to express sudden realization or discovery. It is a term that is often used when someone suddenly understands or figures out something that was previously unclear or confusing. The term can also be used to express surprise or excitement.
The Ah-Hah Moment - Psychology Today
Aug 16, 2010 · As an educator, my own ‘ah-hah' was to reflect on the power of insight and how we often let the moments slip by. As a parent, how many moments do we miss each day? Finally, do we even recognize...