Uropod - Wikipedia
Uropods are posterior appendages found on a wide variety of crustaceans. They typically have functions in locomotion. Uropods are often defined as the appendages of the last body segment of a crustacean. [1] .
Uropod (immunology) - Wikipedia
Uropods, in immunology, refer to the hind part of polarized cells during cell migration that stabilize and move the cell.
UROPOD Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of UROPOD is either of the flattened lateral appendages of the last abdominal segment of a crustacean; broadly : an abdominal appendage of a crustacean.
Bringing up the rear: defining the roles of the uropod
Apr 17, 2009 · The uropod, a protrusion at the rear of amoeboid motile cells such as leukocytes, exemplifies the importance of morphology in cell motility. Remodelling of cell shape by...
Leading from the back: the role of the uropod in neutrophil ...
The uropod remains an enigma in neutrophil migration and more needs to be done to understand how it drives intrinsic polarity and motility of amoeboid cells.
Uropod elongation is a common final step in leukocyte …
Uropod elongation occurs during leukocyte extravasation. The efficient trafficking of immune cells into peripheral nonlymphoid tissues is key to enact their protective functions.
Uropod | appendage | Britannica
How Do You Tell the Difference Between Total, Annular, Solar, and Lunar Eclipses? …others and is called the uropods. In shrimps and lobsters the uropods together with the telson form a tail fan. … (and the first and second uropods of some amphipods) may be modified as claspers for holding the female during mating.
Crustacea Glossary::Definitions - Natural History Museum
Uropod. A paired biramous appendage attached to the sixth abdominal somite in all but the true crabs and usually combining with the telson to form a tail fan. [Chace and Hobbs, 1969] An appendage of the last (6th) abdominal segment. [Warner, 1977]
Uropod - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Amphipods are also unique in having three pairs of uropods (appendages at their tail end), which are used for pushing in aquatic species, and for jumping in semiterrestrial and terrestrial species. Only the last pair of uropods is homologous with those of other peracaridans.
Uropod Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Uropod definition: One of the last pair of posterior abdominal appendages of certain crustaceans, such as the lobster or shrimp.