ToyotaVanTech Forums
Mar 5, 2024 · ToyotaVanTech.com is a website and forum for discussing Toyota Vans and Toyota Previas, Toyota Van repair, Toyota Previa repair, Toyota Van maintenance, Toyota Previa maintenance, and everything else to do with Toyota Vans and Toyota Previas!
Accessing the van engine! - ToyotaVanTech
Jul 17, 2010 · I read the 'Accessing the van engine' post but it only shows a manual trans. This is going to chage everything, and perfect timing too b/c I'm getting ready to replace the distributor cap and rotor, plug wires, plugs, fuel pump, and power steering return line.
For Sale - Members' Vans
Nov 9, 2018 · Forum: For Sale - Members' Vans PLEASE include photos, description and location!
Toyota Van Lubricant and Fluid Specifications
Seems my van lost some ATF from sitting thanks to a leak on the transmission pan. Fluid is dark like motor oil so its probably well-due for a change I guess, although not sure when the last one was done and I really don't want to kill my transmission...
Basic Van knowledge for new owners - ToyotaVanTech
Oct 30, 2012 · According to Toyota there isn't really any set schedule unless your van qualifies for "severe service". For "normal service" Toyota recommends checking for leaks and checking fluid level every 20k miles (they don't actually say when it should be replaced).
1989 Toyota van wagon 4x4 panel
Extremely rare Van. 1989 Toyota panel van wagon All new make over Brand new top end of the engine, less than 800 miles on it. New: Brand New and not rebuilt head New drivers seat and passenger seat New tires
Replacing the alternator harness - ToyotaVanTech
Sep 5, 2010 · I just wanted to let know that the female end of the harness that plugs into our Van's alternator is the same as the ones in the '91 Corolla model, which I believe is the same for the Corolla's that have that same body style.
Forum: - Toyota Vans
Jul 17, 2010 · Sticky: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1989
Van Forum (1984-1989) - Toyota Nation Forum
Feb 23, 2022 · Specific discussion of the Toyota Van. 1984 to 1989.
Toyota Van EFI 1986 MYSTERY??!!.. crank but won't start
Dec 29, 2016 · Toyota Van Wagon 1986 Join Date Dec 2016 Location Puerto Rico Posts 10 Rep Power 1