Stephen - Megami Tensei Wiki
Though not appearing in person, one of the software installations for the COMP in Soul Hackers is named "Steven," likely after him. It removes the level limit during COMP Fusion in a New …
Just realized that Stephen is canonically in the Persona ... - Reddit
Apr 30, 2021 · The persona timeline is confusing, but yes Stephen is canon, but his invention did not cause the demon apocalypse seen in SMT 1, carried through into NINE and 2, and he …
Stephen (Shin Megami Tensei) | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
Stephen is a non-player character, first appearing in Shin Megami Tensei. He is loosely based on the theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. In SMT I, Stephen is a brilliant computer …
Why does Stephen not appear in some mainline SMT games?
Jan 6, 2022 · He appears in one and two as a means of giving and upgrading the demon summoning program. Smt 3 removed him because there was no demon summoning program. …
Stephen (Shin Megami Tensei) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
In SMT Nine his suit is turquoise, with a purple shirt and shoes, while his tie and socks are red. The wheelchair he is sitting in is gray and purple in this game. History [ ]
Stephen (Shin Megami Tensei) - Omniversal Battlefield Wiki
Name: Stephen, Steven, Stephen Hawking Gender: Male Age: 40s - 50s Originally, though Beyond time itself Classification: Human, Transcendent Being
Can someone explain to me what the story behind Stephen is
It appears Stephen now exists as some kind of digital entity, as he appears in the VR Training area in SMT II, long after the events of SMT I. Considering the multiple timelines and universes...
Where are all the places you find steven? - Shin Megami Tensei
Where are all the places you find steven? SeargentSousuke 16 years ago #1. Wondering. The OFFICIAL Sousuke Sagara of EVERYTHING. BW2 Fc: 3139-4531-8340. Clubber_Wang 16 …
I need some help fighting Stephen: 1st and 2nd phases : r/Megaten - Reddit
Aug 11, 2021 · Spoiler: SMT IV Apocalypse Somehow I manage to exhaust all my demons of MP and HP long before I can get his health to red. I have access to basically every support/healing …
Stephen - Megami Tensei Wiki
This reference is removed in the localization, with the name "STEVEN" being replaced with "PHIL". Nomenclature. Stephen is named after the theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking due …
Meet Shin Megami Tensei IV’s Steven - oprainfall
May 11, 2013 · Steven, a character who has appeared in previous Shin Megami Tensei games, is now making a return in the upcoming Shin Megami Tensei IV. This strange man actually …
The OG Standing Stephen : r/Megaten - Reddit
Jan 26, 2022 · I don't think many people realise Stephen used to be human and was paralyzed by a demon that came through his Terminal when it accidentally connected to the Expanse. This …
Theory about Steven - Shin Megami Tensei IV - GameFAQs
Well I'm not entirely sure recalling just from my memory but in SMT 1 Steven is based in Stephen Hawkins and was a scientist that created a teleportation device that end up connecting to makai...
Is Stephen a villainous Neutral Rep? : r/Megaten - Reddit
An intergalactic smt that spans multiple worlds in the further future would be amazing. Doubly so if it takes place at a time where human society is now stronger, and so they aren't depicted as …
Stephen and his agenda(spoilers)DLC and what's the future for …
I always thought Stephen was just an observer in the SMT universe until SMTIV Messiah DLC where he reveals his true color. He's been in nearly every SMT game and unlike other …
New Shin Megami Tensei IV footage: introducing Steven
May 11, 2013 · Atlus updated the SMT IV website with a new video. The focus this time is Steven, a mysterious man confined to wheelchair that appears from time to time to give the player …
So, how is Atlus going to handle Stephen from now on? : r/Megaten - Reddit
Apr 8, 2019 · atlustube is currently streaming gameplay of SMT V: Vengeance with that funny samurai guy
What the hell is Stephen talking about? (Spoilers, duh!)
There is a reason why that guy is considered rather infamous among the SMT fandom. Let me put it this way, if you have to rely on supposedly brilliant but unrelated sources to justify the writing...
Who do you prefer? Philemon or Stephen? : r/Megaten - Reddit
Sep 26, 2023 · While Stephens in smt 1,2, a secret post credits scene in If...., Nine, 4 and 4A
Finished SMTV. Still don't really understand the setting/what ... - Reddit
Jan 18, 2022 · In 1, 2, and 4, it's assumed that the world outside is basically just as destroyed, but there are less demons or no demons at all since Steven's research was mostly relegated to …
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