SCP-084 - SCP Foundation
Dec 8, 2023 · SCP-084 appears to emit a form of wave or radiation that has a detrimental effect on local space-time/reality. The most pronounced aspect of this is the alteration of local space within the active area of SCP-084.
You'll NEVER Make It To SCP-084 - Static Tower (SCP Animation)
Jun 21, 2021 · You'll NEVER Make It To SCP-084 - Static Tower (SCP Animation) SCP-084 is a Euclid Class anomaly also known as the Static Tower. SCP-084 appears to be a large radio tower positioned in the...
SCP-084 - Static Tower - The SCP Foundation Database
Jun 22, 2020 · Description: SCP-084 appears to be a large radio tower positioned in the center of a large, open field with two small outbuildings. Direct observation and sample collection from SCP-084 is impossible, due to the effect that is emitted around/from SCP-084.
SCP-084 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-084 is a tower that can't be experimented on because it emits an unknown radio wave that distorts reality/time. It has a 100m radius sphere, the main effect causes SCP-084 to randomly teleport within the area at random intervals.
SCP-084 │ Static Tower │ Euclid │ Spatial/Structure SCP
My Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/thevolgunSource - https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-084Author - "Dr Gears" - https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/dr-gears-s...
SCP-084 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-084 semble être une grande tour radio, située au centre d'un immense champ ouvert, avec deux petites dépendances. Il est impossible d'observer directement ou de prendre des échantillons de SCP-084, à cause des effets émanant autour de celui-ci.
SCP-084 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Description: SCP-084 is a large marble tombstone, depicting a winged and robed skeletal figure adorned with a "floating disk" halo and holding aloft a broken sword with a dove alighting upon it. It is set upon a square marble base.
SCP-084 - Fondazione SCP
SCP-084 sembra emettere una forma di onda o radiazione che ha un effetto dannoso sulla realtà locale. L'aspetto più pronunciato di questo processo è l'alterazione dello spazio all'interno dell'area attiva di SCP-084. Esternamente, la zona attiva ha una forma simile ad una "cupola" di duecento (200) metri di diametro.
SCP-084-JP - SCP財団
アイテム番号: SCP-084-JP. オブジェクトクラス: Safe. 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-084-JPはサイト-8145の低脅威度物品用ロッカーに収容されます。収容違反を防ぐため、担当者と実験管理員の2名がそれぞれキーコードを用意し、二重にロックをかけてください。
SCP-084 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
SCP-084 appears to emit a form of wave or radiation that has a detrimental effect on local space-time/reality. The most pronounced aspect of this is the alteration of local space within the active area of SCP-084.
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