Main — Rohaus techniekmacht
The Rohaus Extreme Steam Iron is designed with premium durable scratch resistant Rodilium soleplate that together with extreme shot of steam focused in the tip of the soleplate provide a superior glide for effortless and quick ironing.
Rohaus — бытовая техника премиум-класса. Официальный …
Бытовая техника Rohaus Techniekmacht в России. Официальный сайт представительства. Информация о производителе. Каталог продукции. Инструкции. Сервисные центры. Горячая линия.
About us — Rohaus techniekmacht
Rohaus (Robustes Haus) means ‘robust house’ and symbolizes the robustness and durability of developed appliances. Our products combine the latest innovations in technology and power, which is reflected in brand’s strapline Techniek Macht.
Food processor — Rohaus techniekmacht
The Rohaus Food Processor is designed with durable stainless steel components and includes pre-programmed controls that together with set of functional accessories provide ultimate performance result, while unique feature of 2 processing bowls working at the same time allows to significantly speed up the cooking process of multi-ingredient dishes.
ABOUT ATCP GROUP — Rohaus techniekmacht
ATCP Group B.V. is a Dutch holding, specializing in global development and manufacturing of premium domestic appliances (mainly, Rohaus brand); kitchenware, glassware and glass containers (Eley brand) as well as promoting & selling famous British porcelain Tudor England in such geographies as The Netherlands and CIS countries.
Паровой утюг Rohaus Extreme Steam RI810K - купить в …
Паровой утюг Rohaus Extreme Steam RI810K с износостойкой и устойчивой к царапинам подошвой Rodilium. Мощность - 2400 Вт, объем - 300 мл.
Variable Temperature Kettle — Rohaus techniekmacht
The Rohaus Variable Temperature Kettle is designed with durable stainless steel components and includes variable temperature feature that allows you to select the temperature you want and make a variety of drinks at home effortless and fast.
Информация о компании Rohaus: история, развитие бренда, …
Rohaus — международная компания, специализирующаяся на бытовой технике премиум-класса. Штаб-квартира компании — холдинга ATCP Group B.V. — находится в Нидерландах.
Чайник с регулировкой температуры
С чайником Rohaus Variable Temperature выполненным из высококачественной стали вы всегда будете знать, когда ваш напиток будет готов и сможете выбрать нужную температуру для каждого вида чая.
Planetary stand mixer — Rohaus techniekmacht
The Rohaus Planetary Stand Mixer is designed with quality die-cast metal components, includes many features that make mixing at home easy, and allows cooking as a professional chef.