Qinzhou - Wikipedia
Qinzhou (postal: Yamchow or Yen Chow, simplified Chinese: 钦州; traditional Chinese: 欽州; pinyin: Qīnzhōu, Jyutping: Jam1 zau1 /Ham1 zau1 ) [3] is a prefecture-level city in south-central Guangxi, southern China, lying on the Gulf of Tonkin and having a total population of 3,302,238 as of the 2020 census whom 1,400,134 lived in the built ...
Qinzhou Guangxi: Hometown of Oyster and White Dolphin
Jul 22, 2024 · Home to oyster and white dolphin, Qinzhou with a history of 1,400 years is now a modern coastal city of Guangxi, acting as the most convenient access of Southwest China.
Things to Do in Qinzhou - Tripadvisor
Jul 31, 2015 · Things to Do in Qinzhou, China: See Tripadvisor's 281 traveler reviews and photos of Qinzhou tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in April. We have reviews of the best places to see in Qinzhou. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.
Qinzhou Travel Guide: Discover Coastal Beauty, Culture, and …
Immerse yourself in the coastal beauty, vibrant culture, and historic charms of Qinzhou with our travel guide. Explore the city's attractions, find valuable travel tips, and experience the unique blend of scenic wonders and cultural heritage that makes Qinzhou a captivating destination in …
欽州市 - Wikipedia
欽州市 (きんしゅうし)は 中華人民共和国 広西チワン族自治区 に位置する 地級市。 広西チワン族自治区の南部、 トンキン湾 沿岸に位置し、 南寧市 、 防城港市 、 玉林市 、 貴港市 、 北海市 に接する。 中国の 南北朝時代 、 宋 の時代に宋寿郡が置かれ、 梁 の時代に安州が置かれる。 隋 の 開皇 18年(598年)に安州を欽州に改名。 1951年まで広東省の管轄となっているが、 …
Qinzhou, Tianshui - Wikipedia
Qinzhou (Chinese: 秦州; pinyin: Qínzhōu), formerly romanized as Tsinchow, is a district and the seat of the city of Tianshui, Gansu province, China. It is named for its former position as the seat of the medieval Chinese province of Qinzhou .
钦州市 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
钦州市 (邮政式拼音: Yamchow 、 Yen Chow),简称 钦,是 中华人民共和国 广西壮族自治区 下辖的 地级市,位于广西南部, 北部湾 沿岸。 市境西界 防城港市,北接 南宁市,东邻 玉林市,南临 北海市 及 北部湾。 地处桂南台地 丘陵 区,北有罗阳山,东北为 六万大山,西北为 十万大山。 钦江 自东北向西南流经市区后出北部湾,钦州为区内重要 交通枢纽,是 中国—东盟自由 …
钦州市,古称安州, 广西壮族自治区 辖地级市。 地处 广西壮族自治区 南部沿海, 北部湾 北岸,主要属丘陵地貌类型, 海洋性气候 明显,东与 北海市 和 玉林市 相连,南临 钦州湾,西与 防城港市 毗邻,北与 南宁市 接壤,全市陆地总面积10897平方千米。 [2]截至2025年1月,钦州市辖2个市辖区、2个县。 [4]截至2023年末,钦州市常住人口331.63万人。 [39] 钦州市位于北回归线 …
2025 Qinzhou Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, …
Qinzhou is a modern city situated on the coast of Guangxi province in southwest China. It is known for its picturesque scenery and rich history.
钦州市人民政府门户网站 - www.qinzhou.gov.cn
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