Pelias Geocoder
Pelias is a geocoder powered completely by open data, available freely to everyone. Local Installation · Cloud Webservice · Documentation · Community Chat. What is Pelias? Pelias is a search engine for places worldwide, powered by open data.
Pelias Geocoder
This document outlines a proposal for refactoring how street addresses are stored and retrieved in Pelias. An introduction to addresses in Pelias can be found in: https://github.com/pelias/pelias/wiki/Interpolation:-introduction. The strategic goals of the work are: Ensuring every street in Openstreetmap is indexed and retrievable.
Pelias Geocoder
Refactored pelias-wof-admin-lookup and updated to this latest version in all importers. This is in preparation for the upcoming fixes to our coarse reverse lookups. Next step will be to direct the API to this new Point-in-Polygon service when available to …
Pelias Geocoder
Pelias is a free open source project. This documentation was built using Couscous using a theme inspired by Read the Docs and further enhanced by Snipe-IT .
Pelias Geocoder
Pelias is a free open source project. This documentation was built using Couscous using a theme inspired by Read the Docs and further enhanced by Snipe-IT .
Pelias Geocoder
We have done a perlimenary mapping of common OSM tags to Pelias categories. This list will soon be replaced by the Who's on First Category Taxonomy. Until then, use the this code for reference .
Pelias Geocoder
Pelias is a free open source project. This documentation was built using Couscous using a theme inspired by Read the Docs and further enhanced by Snipe-IT .
Pelias Geocoder
Pelias is a free open source project. This documentation was built using Couscous using a theme inspired by Read the Docs and further enhanced by Snipe-IT .
Pelias Geocoder
Pelias is a modular, open-source geocoder built on top of ElasticSearch for fast geocoding. In order to encourage external contribution and to ease the burden of installing and maintaining Pelias we made some early design decisions:
Pelias Geocoder
Pelias is a free open source project. This documentation was built using Couscous using a theme inspired by Read the Docs and further enhanced by Snipe-IT .