The City of Medina Ohio
The City of Medina offers a wide selection of recreational opportunities and currently has 800 acres developed for park use at 12 different sites. A strong youth sports program utilizes the park fields and the Medina Community Recreation Center through the year.
Government - The City of Medina Ohio
The City of Medina was organized, formed and incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio and adopted at an election on May 6, 1952. It has a "Council-Mayor" general law form of government where the Mayor and the members of City Council, and the City's Finance Director are elected on a non-partisan basis by the voters.
City Services - The City of Medina Ohio
The City of Medina's Service Department is dedicated to sustaining and improving the quaility of life of our customers, the residents, and businesses of our community.
City of Medina Codified Ordinances
To look or search for the Codified Ordinances for the City of Medina please click here.
City Hall - The City of Medina Ohio
There are approximately 388 employees (including part-time and seasonal) that work for the City. The offices of City Hall are located at 132 North Elmwood Avenue - 1 block north and west of Medina's Historic Square.
Planning & Zoning - The City of Medina Ohio
The Planning Department administers the City's Comprehensive Plan and special planning studies. The Department also coordinates the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, the Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP), and other housing and neighborhood related programs. --
Medina Rec Center | The City of Medina Ohio
Medina Community Recreation Center 855 Weymouth Rd., Medina OH 330-721-6900 CLICK HERE FOR MAP TEST
City of Medina Newsletter | The City of Medina Ohio
Want to receive the newsletter in your inbox every Friday? Click on the City Newsletter button at the bottom of the page to subscribe.
Administration/Mayor - The City of Medina Ohio
The goal of the Office of the Mayor is to maintain communications and coordination among department heads, staff members and City Council while making information on matters of concern available for residents.
City Council - The City of Medina Ohio
Appointments: Finance Committee, Chair of Medina Water & Utilities Committee, Streets & Sidewalks Committee, Special Legislation Committee, Cable ACCESS, CRA Housing, ESID Board, Medina County Planning Commission.