Cre Lox Breeding for Beginners, Part 1 - The Jackson Laboratory
The use of the Cre/loxP system for generating tissue specific or inducible knockouts is a powerful tool for mouse genetics, but it is only one piece of the total picture. Below, I would to focus on …
The Cre-lox and FLP-FRT systems - The Jackson Laboratory
May 18, 2006 · The FLP-FRT system. The FLP-FRT system is similar to the Cre-lox system and is becoming more frequently used in mouse-based research. It involves using flippase (FLP) …
12 things you dont know about Cre-lox - The Jackson Laboratory
The Cre-lox system is one of the most revolutionary tools in the geneticist's toolbox. You don't have to be a user or developer of cre or floxed mice to appreciate the impact that cre-lox …
Going beyond Cre-lox - The Jackson Laboratory
Conditional mutagenesis using the Cre-lox system is not the only strategy available to spatiotemporally regulate gene expression in mouse models of human diseases. New …
Cre Lox Breeding for Beginners, Part 2 - The Jackson Laboratory
The Cre/lox system can also be used to produce strains in which a transgene is either inducible or expressed only in certain tissues. For example, mating the transgenic strain in Figure 1 to a …
Slicing and dicing Cre/lox: part 1 - The Jackson Laboratory
The Cre/lox system has become the cornerstone of modern mouse genetics because it enables sophisticated control over the timing and location of gene expression. This is the first in a …
Most efficient breeding scheme for generating Cre lox tissue …
Sep 22, 2011 · More novel and sophisticated uses for the Cre/lox system are being developed all the time. Research mouse models that incorporate the Cre/lox system typically involve …
The ABC’s of choosing a Cre strain to generate KO mice
The simplest Cre-lox system to generate a knockout (KO) mouse model has two components that need to be genetically engineered in the murine genome: a target sequence surrounded by …
Research Tools: Cre-Lox and More - The Jackson Laboratory
A. Research Tools: Cre-Lox and More FAQ. How do Cre-Lox and Tet-on / Tet-off systems work? Click here for an introduction to Tet Expression Systems. Click here for an on demand webinar …
New alleles for complex cell labeling - The Jackson Laboratory
Dec 8, 2015 · Recombinase-based methods for labeling cells have empowered numerous biological studies of tissue organization, gene expression, and lineage analysis. These …