meaning - How should "midnight on..." be interpreted? - English ...
Dec 9, 2010 · By most definitions, the date changes at midnight. That is, at the precise stroke of 12:00:00. That time, along with 12:00:00 noon, are technically neither AM or PM because AM and PM mean "ante-meridiem" and "post-meridiem", and noon and midnight are neither ante- …
31th or 31st is correct? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
The numerals with endings are merely abbreviations for the words written out as text. When in doubt, write the word out. Thirty-first becomes 31st, eleventh 11th, forty-second 42nd, fiftieth 50th, and so on.
Meaning of "by" when used with dates - inclusive or exclusive
Aug 28, 2014 · If, in a contract fr example, the text reads: "X has to finish the work by MM-DD-YYYY", does the "by" include the date or exclude it? In other words, will the work delivered on the specified date
grammar - Understanding "as of", "as at", and "as from" - English ...
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
on route vs en route - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Mar 16, 2016 · The earliest is from an entry in Wolfe Tone's diary for July 31, 1796, in Memoirs of Theobald Wolfe Tone: Written by Himself (1827): Received my pay, "and are all a drunk as so many swabbers." I insist upon it this is a very good quotation, from Rigdum Funnidos.
etymology - Why do we "scotch" a rumour? - English Language
Feb 25, 2012 · From "The Provinces," in The Spectator (July 31, 1852): He had been told by Grant the night watchman, and Parker, the pointsman, that the train was to proceed down the east Lancashire siding, "which is a main line" ; but he found that he …
What do we call the “rd” in “3ʳᵈ” and the “th” in “9ᵗʰ”?
Aug 23, 2014 · I think what may be going on is that one just assumes that “June 1” is pronounced “June First”, or “4 July” as “the Fourth of July”. So your perception that they are not so much used in America may be from the lazy or abbreviated or …
prepositions - "Scheduled on" vs "scheduled for" - English …
What is the difference between the following two expressions: My interview is scheduled on the 27th of June at 8:00 AM. My interview is scheduled for the 27th of June at 8:00 AM.
date has already passed OR date has already past?
Aug 20, 2014 · The date has already passed, or the past date. Past: Usage: The past participle of pass is sometimes wrongly spelt past: the time for recriminations has passed (not past)
What does “covfefe” exactly mean? - English Language & Usage …
Update, 21st July 2017. Donald Trump's “neologism” is still uttered in talk shows and used in social media. Even though I do not visit Facebook, nor have I an Instagram or a Twitter account, I am a keen covfefe watcher and today I spotted an exciting new development in the etymology of covfefe. Martin Gholami has figured out the true ...