What is the difference between frijoles and habichuelas?
May 21, 2016 · Judías o habichuelas se usa en España. Frijoles se usa en América. Las judías verdes o habichuelas verdes son las vainas tiernas comestibles de la planta. En partes de Centroamérica, por el náhuatl ¨exotl¨, le decimos ejote. En partes de América pronuncian frijol, con el acento en la "i", pero no sé por qué razón.
vocabulario - What are dry beans and green beans called in …
Jan 29, 2018 · In English, if we plant a dry bean and harvest the result early, we get a green bean but if we wait with harvesting, we get dry beans again. The green bean is cooked briefly and can be eaten raw,
What are the different Spanish words for "Black Eyed Peas"?
Jan 7, 2021 · Growing up my Grandfather would ask my Mother to cook some black eyed peas for good luck in the New Year. I'm having trouble remembering the Spanish word that he would use.
arroz y frijoles: sambumbo - Spanish Language Stack Exchange
Mar 22, 2018 · Parece que en la República Dominicana existe la receta sambumbo, que contiene Arroz, habichuelas, maíz, cebolla, tomate, ají, berenjena, brócoli, ajo, pollo, huevo, atún, aceite y sal y cuya foto encaja bastante con la mezcla confusa de elementos de diversa naturaleza que menciona @Charlie –
Why isn't "cómo se dice" "cómo dices"? - Spanish Language Stack …
Jun 13, 2017 · In one country, the commonly used word will be "frijoles" but in another country it might be something else, such as "habichuelas." So in this case, one person might ask a friend from a different Spanish-speaking country, "How do you, personally, say 'beans'?"
selección de palabras - Spanish Language Stack Exchange
Possible Duplicate: “Vegetable”: verdura vs. vegetal My understanding is that they can both refer to "vegetables." But verduras also translates into "greens." So what's the differe...
Uso de "vianda" en Puerto Rico - Spanish Language Stack Exchange
Jun 4, 2018 · Aquí se come ??? y arroz con habichuelas. Parecía que decía "vianda" pero su significado (tal y como se conoce en España) no acababa de encajar, y algunos incluso pensaban que decía "mierda" lo cual tenía aún menos sentido. Hoy, casi 30 años más tarde, vamos a intentar dar solución a este misterio.
What is Cargamantos? - Spanish Language Stack Exchange
Jul 7, 2016 · Googling for Memoria de mis putas tristes and Cargamantos reveals what people are saying in the comments to your question: this is just the surname of a certain character in the book, called Doña Florina de Dios Cargamantos.
Where did "pico de gallo" get its name?
Jan 12, 2012 · Who ate with their thumb and forefinger? We all did ! We took a tortilla from a big stack and tore off a piece and pinched from a bowl of meat, cheese, beans, etc. Pico de gallo was hard to get any real amount of with one stab, so, a quick stab, stab, stab was needed.
selección de palabras - Spanish Language Stack Exchange
Jan 16, 2012 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.