HUBZone program | U.S. Small Business Administration
Feb 10, 2025 · The HUBZone program fuels small business growth in historically underutilized business zones with a goal of awarding at least 3% of federal contract dollars to HUBZone-certified companies each year.
HUBZone Map - Small Business Administration
hubzone map search Clear Search Search. Legend. Legend. 2020 Census Boundaries . County Tract Qualified HUBZones. Census Tract Newly Qualified County Newly Qualified Indian Land Expiring HUBZones. Redesignated Disaster Area Governor-Designated Covered Area Cannot determine your location. ...
Office of the HUBZone Program - Small Business Administration
Dec 13, 2023 · The Office of the HUBZone Program's mission is to promote job growth, capital investment, and economic development to historically underutilized business zones, referred to as HUBZones, by providing contracting assistance to small businesses located in these economically distressed communities.
HUBZone - Wikipedia
HUBZone is a United States Small Business Administration (SBA) program for small companies that operate and employ people in Historically Under-utilized Business Zones (HUBZones). The HUBZone program was created in response to the HUBZone Empowerment Act created by the US Congress in 1998. [1]
SBA Connect
HUBZone Users - MySBA Certifications, a new, upgraded single application for SBA Federal contracting certifications, is OPEN! To apply for one or more certification, visit MySBA Certifications.
SBA HUBZone Calculator
Use this HUBZone Eligibility Calculator to enter information about your business' employees and where they work. Once you've completed the steps, you'll be able to see if your business appears to meet the HUBZone Program's requirement that the principal office be located in a HUBZone and at least 35% of the business' employees reside in a HUBZone.
HUBZone Map - Small Business Administration
hubzone map search Clear Search Search. Legend. Legend. 2020 Census Boundaries . County Tract Governor-Designated Covered Areas. Eligible Census Tract Eligible County Existing Qualified HUBZones. All Existing HUBZones All Expiring HUBZones Other Federal Designations. USDA Rural Partner Networks ...
HUBZone Map Overview - Small Business Administration
HUBZone Map Overview. The HUBZone Map has been updated effective July 2023. Use this map to determine whether your principal office and employees are located in a HUBZone. Learn about the different types of HUBZone designations here: HUBZone Designations Fact Sheet. Navigating the updated HUBZone map
HUBZone Final Rule: HUBZone Certification and Eligibility
Jan 10, 2025 · The changes to the HUBZone program regulations both benefit current or prospective HUBZone business concerns and implement more stringent compliance measures for eligibility. We plan to provide a weekly summary of the three most significant changes.
Enter an address in the tool below to see if it is currently located within a HUBZone (Historically Underutilized Business Zone). The tool references the latest map revisions made public on July 1st, 2023.
HUBZone administration | U.S. Small Business Administration
Mar 22, 2024 · The HUBZone program encourages economic development in historically underutilized business zones. The federal government's goal is to award three percent of all prime and subcontracting dollars to businesses in the HUBZone program each year.
ZONE (HUBZone) PROGRAM. WHAT . IS THE HUBZone PROGRAM? The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) designates Historically Underutilized Business Zones, or HUBZones, based on a combination of unemployment and income, among other things. The purpose of the HUBZone Program is
eCFR :: 13 CFR Part 126 -- HUBZone Program
HUBZone small business concern or certified HUBZone small business concern means a small business concern that meets the requirements described in § 126.200 and that SBA has certified as eligible for Federal contracting assistance under the HUBZone program.
HUBZone Contractors National Council - HOME
The HUBZone Council is a non-profit trade association comprised of a group of companies and organizations working together to improve and support the HUBZone program and small business community.
HUBZone Contractors National Council - ABOUT THE HUBZONE …
Oct 25, 2024 · The Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Contracting Program encourages small businesses to locate in and hire employees from economically disadvantaged areas of the United States. Companies participating in the program can receive competitive advantages in winning federal contracts.
SBA New HUBZone Map Update Expands Small Business Program …
Mar 14, 2023 · The HUBZone Program has rolled out a new key initiative in Governor-Designated Areas, which provides increased opportunities to expand the HUBZone Program into distressed rural communities. It allows state governors to petition SBA once a year to designate certain rural areas as HUBZones.
What Is HUBZone, And How Does It Work For Small Businesses?
Oct 27, 2023 · The HUBZone Program mission is to promote job growth, capital investment and economic development to historically underutilized business zones, referred to as HUBZones, by providing contracting assistance to small businesses located in …
5 Things You Should Know: HUBZone Program (The Basics)
Feb 5, 2018 · What is the HUBZone program? At its most basic, the HUBZone program is designed to provide economic assistance to economically-depressed geographic areas by awarding federal contracts to small businesses that operate and employ workers in those areas. Which geographic areas fall in a HUBZone?
HUBZone - Fed Services
HUBZone Certification is an SBA federal registration that designates your business qualification as operating in a historically underutilized business zone (HUBZone), with at least 35% of your employees also living within a HUBZone designated area.