axial ? vs redcat gen 8 - RCCrawler Forums
Dec 26, 2018 · i'm new to the crawler scene *RC wise at least.... I got a Axial Bomber for Xmas, pretty happy with it, but I seem to really like the look of the Axial Deadbolt 2 But question it compared to the new redcat gen 8 scout still like the look of …
Axial Bomber upgrade list - RCCrawler Forums
Jun 18, 2017 · Hi all, I was wondering what people were putting for priority upgrades on their bombers. Right now I have installed vanquish knuckles and chubs, castle creations mamba X esc with sensored motor, promodler servo, incision link kit, SSD rear centered D60 plastic axle, vanquish servo horn, incision...
What is the best upgraded shock option for an axial bomber
Oct 11, 2017 · Best upgraded shock option for an axial bomber Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
2-Speed Transmission: SSD vs Hot Racing vs Axial
Jul 12, 2019 · I copy my answer from another thread: I have the Axial 2-speed in both my Yeti and my Bomber, and am really happy about it. As far as comparisons go, I can't do any though. If I didn't get the Axial one, I would get the SSD, simply because they were the first to do it and some of the other brands are basically just a rip off of SSD:s design.
What length shocks do you like o your bomber? - rccrawler.com
Nov 23, 2016 · Hey guys, i've been looking at upgrading my stock shocks that are on my bomber but i noticed that the stock ones are a pretty unique length. What length are you guys with upgraded shocks running, 100mm, 110mm or 120mm? Pros vs. Cons?
Ryft as dedicated rock crawler - RCCrawler Forums
Nov 20, 2016 · Has anyone dedicated a Axial Ryft to a rock crawler vs bouncer? For the areas I drive, the Ryft's wheelbase is a little long. I was thinking of shortening the wheelbase front and rear to keep it symmetrical in functionality. Therefore with a …
Skid Plate | RCCrawler Forums
Oct 17, 2024 · Axial Bomber skid for Wraith transmission by BRJDesigns Printing the version with metal sides would be a little less, but would require you to either make, or get send cut send to cut, the side plates.
Is the Bomber a thing of the past? | RCCrawler Forums
Dec 18, 2014 · You're comparing 1.9 trail/scale/crawlers with the "comp scene" I don't really think that Axial designed the Bomber to be a "comp rig," whatever that means to you.
Axial RR10 Bomber Help Needed | RCCrawler Forums
Nov 16, 2014 · Just got our grandson the new axial rr10 bomber for Christmas, he ran it for about 5 minutes indoors and its control functions became messed up. The steering quit working, and if left idle for a few seconds with the controller on it jumps and goes on its own, I have tried the programming modes...
Sway Bar | RCCrawler Forums
Oct 7, 2024 · I prefer the axial sway bar to avoid the potential set screw issues. Been running it for several years trouble free on my bomber. I picked up the reefs sway bar for my Miller creation and it is a pretty nice piece.