Ajenti Web Interface Platform — Ajenti 2.2.6 documentation
Ajenti platform includes following products: Ajenti Core , a Python library, the platform itself including the HTTP server, socket engine and plugin container. Ajenti Panel , a startup script and a set of stock plugins such as file manager, network configurator and service manager.
Installing — Ajenti 2.2.6 documentation
Please note that this install method is still under tests. Ajenti starts successfully on the previously mentioned supported operating systems, but all functionalities were not tested. Be kind to report any problem with this install method as issue here : https://github.com/ajenti/ajenti/issues
Running Ajenti — Ajenti 2.2.6 documentation
The automatic install script provides binary ajenti-panel and initscript/job/unit ajenti. You can ensure the service is running:
Ajenti — Ajenti 2.2.1 documentation
Ajenti¶ Ajenti is a highly extensible platform. The core of the platform provides HTTP server, Socket engine and Plugin container. The extensibility is implemented via a system of extension plugins. The backend is written in Python (Ajenti Core). The frontend is written in Angular application hosted in the core plugin shell.
Getting Started — Ajenti 2.2.6 documentation
This will start Ajenti with the stock plugins plus the current one, and will rebuild plugin resources every time you reload Ajenti in browser. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/. You should see new plugin in the sidebar.
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Ajenti, Release 2.2.7 Ajenti platform includes following products: • Ajenti Core, a Python library, the platform itself including the HTTP server, socket engine and plugin container. • Ajenti Panel, a startup script and a set of stock plugins such as file manager, network configurator and service manager. Users 1
Installing Ajenti V on Debian/Ubuntu / KB / Ajenti 1
Install Ajenti first. Ajenti V comes in form of small packages. Currently available packages include: ajenti-v (main package) ajenti-v-mail (Exim and Courier mail) ajenti-v-mysql (MySQL DB support) ajenti-v-php-fpm (PHP support via PHP-FPM) ajenti-v-php7.0-fpm; ajenti-v-ruby-unicorn (Rails support via Unicorn) ajenti-v-ruby-puma (Rails support ...
- [PDF]
Ajenti, Release 2.2.1 Ajenti is a highly extensible platform. The core of the platform provides HTTP server, Socket engine and Plugin container. The extensibility is implemented via a system of extension plugins. The backend is written in Python (Ajenti Core). The frontend is written in Angular application hosted in the core
Running Ajenti — Ajenti documentation
Running ajenti with -v enables additional logging and Exconsole emergency console (see https://github.com/Eugeny/exconsole). Exconsole can be triggered by a crash, sending SIGQUIT or pressing Ctrl-\ on the controlling terminal.
User Interface — Ajenti documentation
The whole Ajenti UI is a DOM tree of ajenti.ui.UIElement objects. After each update, the UI tree is serialized into JSON and sent to browser, where HTML DOM is assembled from it with the help of CoffeeScript code.