The ICO’s recent compulsory audit of Glasgow Council found that the council has good policies and procedures in place to ...
Most county councils in England are now using AI but say a lack of staff capacity, funding and training are holding them back ...
The Government has created a community for users of low code technology in the Civil Service. It has outlined the role of the ...
GPs in England will be expected to allow patients to request appointments online during working hours as part of a new contract with NHS England agreed yesterday. The Department for Health and Social ...
Police forces are to be allowed to use technology to search properties for stolen mobile phones and other items without the ...
Scotland’s Improvement Service and the Young Scot organisation have developed a new mobile app for young people in the ...
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has recommended a privacy by design approach in the adoption of digital health ...
The council is also working on a major upgrade to improve school connectivity through the Scottish Wide Area Network (SWAN) ...
The Ministry of Defence has awarded IT and business consultancy CGI the contract to develop the Borealis system for the civil ...
The Digital Planning team in the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has developed a digital tool ...
The ambition to modernise UK public services with digital technology and data is stronger than ever, and has been given a ...