Waterloo’s regional council voted 13-2 to petition Ontario Premier Doug Ford to allow Kitchener’s supervised consumption site to continue operating. Waterloo Council is asking Hamilton City Council to ...
The HWDSB claimed that because it signs third-party contracts for school busing and orders an arms-length consortium (the Hamilton-Wentworth Student Transportation Services), public information laws ...
Council approved the subcommittee's creation in January 2024. The 13-member committee will effectively replace City Council as the Board of Health.
A decade ago,the city's parking minimums were not economically viable. The project was designed to remove or convert parking levels.
An appellant gave over a dozen reasons they could not make submissions today – including arguing they don’t often check their mailbox, then they told the City that’s the mailbox they check.
A new McDonald’s restaurant will be built on the northeast corner of Upper Ottawa Street and Stone Church Road. Hamilton’s Committee of Adjustment approved the 80-seat McDonald’s in March.
Hamilton Public Health plans to supply free safe supply items, including needles and crack pipes, in vending machines. Hamilton Council will consider a motion to try and stop this.
A letter from Hamilton Farmers’ Market manager Donna Lee Macdonald to merchants yesterday confirmed the City believes money was siphoned from vendors.
Is the added shadow impact of two extra storeys on a kindergarten playground 'significant enough' to lower development to four-storeys? This was the primary topic of arguments on the first day of a sc ...
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Chief Bergen detailed how HPS is responding to increasing violence, working to keep events safe, and his reaction to the latest court ruling scorning the HPS.