A by-product of the speculation over climate change has been the suggestion that global warming will enable greater access to the Arctic’s considerable resources. This could trigger a new scramble for ...
But you can't be properly culturally Christian if you don't understand Christianity. As I have argued, Wokeism is not post-modern Marxism, but heretical Christianity. If you want to fight back against ...
In the years since I was first tempted to engage in trying to understand the real issues behind power generation - especially electrical power generation - there is, above all, one salient feature ...
Saudi Arabia's state-owned international news channel Al Arabiya has denied me access to its website - apparently for the sin of writing extensively and positively about the Saudi-based Hashemite ...
All machinery and associated facilities including solar arrays and wind turbine towers have a finite life, they wear out. The issue of disposal of spent machinery and facilities is a growing problem ...
Hamas' horrific October 7 attack and Israel's massive retaliatory war have fundamentally changed the dynamic of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. New political, psychological, and factual regional ...
This writer published a book some years ago Ending War which argued that war is an endemic aspect of human nature (with some convincing evidence). He asserts on another OLO blog, Do we have free will?