North Korea's new document claims "national fate depends on exchange rate stability," but lacks concrete measures to lower ...
North Korea's recent abrupt disclosure of a top-secret facility for producing highly enriched uranium has captured the ...
North Korean workers in China are complaining of severe stress due to continued delays in their return home and stifling ...
South Pyongan urgently reviews construction projects after Kim Jong Un announces new tasks under regional development policy.
North Korea has been encouraging the production of propaganda videos for the regime, The Daily NK has learned.
Ryanggang province has informed all farms that the government will not adjust their allotted crop quotas for the upcoming ...
North Korea's provincial industrialization plans hit roadblock as crop yields in North Pyongan plummet, threatening ...
North Korea has renovated facilities at the Paekto-ri political prison camp in Sinuiju to improve health conditions for ...
North Korea is urging citizens to gargle with salt water daily as a disease prevention measure, The Daily NK has learned.
North Korean market food prices are rising, with rice in Pyongyang reaching 6,300 North Korean won per kilogram on Sept. 15.
North Korea's order to remove hillside graves and cremate remains has led to a decline in traditional Chuseok cemetery visits ...
A man in North Korea's Musan county died from a police beating after collecting fallen corn from a recently harvested field.