Here we derive a general empirically-grounded theory that can explain this phenomenon by linking microbial species richness in competitive communities to variation in the temperature-dependence of ...
In sum, odors initiate feeding behavior in Drosophila.
A core task in single-cell data analysis is recovering the latent dimensions encoding the genetic and epigenetic landscapes inhabited by cell types and lineages. However, consensus is lacking for ...
This important study shows that in teleost fish, the RIG-I-like protein MDA5 can compensate for the absence of RIG-I by detecting 5'-triphosphorylated RNA. A fish virus containing such RNA can ...
Cortices from 11 primate species share the same archetypal fractal shape, indicating a universal mechanism for primate and mammalian cortical folding, and suggesting novel shape biomarkers for brains.
A complex extracted from the amniotic membrane in humans reduces post-surgical pain in mice by directly inhibiting pain-sensing neurons.