I n the seven years since I adopted my Boxer mix as a puppy, I have never struggled to get her to eat her meals or take a ...
While many established dog breeds stretch back hundreds and even thousands of years, several of today’s popular breeds only ...
Poodles have some of the most winning traits you find in dogs. But the real surprise comes in when you get to combine the best of the breeds to get your poodle mixes. These hybrids offer a variety of ...
Pomeranian fans unite! As a proud dog grandma to a tiny Pomeranian, I can tell you these adorable little puff balls are so much fun to cuddle with and to watch play. They play a lot like cats do, ...
Body shape. Pomeranian characteristics include compact bodies that are relatively sturdy for their size. This is — in part — due to their square shape and short back. An ideal member of the ...
Even for humans, moving to a new home can be a bit stressful, and I can only imagine how rough it is on dogs who have no idea what's actually going on. Adjusting to a new place, figuring out a new ...
Make sure it’s not strenuous and mix it with some indoor play to keep their minds sharp and you’ll find a Shih Tzu will be more than happy and healthy. Shih Tzus have a reputation for being a bit ...
A golden retriever pup named Freddy is back home with his family in Pennsylvania after a frigid weeklong search that ended with his rescue from an abandoned coal pit.
This dynamite in a small package inherits the personality of both its Pomeranian and Poodle ... one of the least common Poodle mix breeds so if you get your hands on one of these cuties then hold on ...
It was more than a decade ago when she adopted Ella and Eddie. The Pomeranian pair means so much to Laurie Childers, who adopted them after her husband died 11 years ago. "They just kind of saved ...
Meanwhile, homegrown boutique festival Shi Fu Miz launched a crowdfunding campaign last month, citing financial struggles. Organisers cited a lack of public funding, competition, decreasing ...