Few demonstrators remained at area prisons Tuesday, after the state Department of Corrections and Community Supervision fired ...
The illegal 22-day strike by state correction officers and correction sergeants impacting nearly all 42 prisons in the state ...
More than 2,000 officers across New York State lost their jobs due to failing to return to their posts by Monday morning’s ...
Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) said the agreement to end the wildcat strike would be honored despite the 85% return-to-work threshold not being met on Monday.
More than 2,000 NY correction officers who are being terminated after striking are being prohibited from working for a state ...
NYS Inspector General Lucy Lang issued a 2023 report regarding DOCCS' workers "Lost Wage Benefit", and in light of recent ...
After the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (NYSDOCCS) said Monday that the correction officer strike is over, the state now wants to ...
Kathy Hochul signed an executive order barring those involved in the weeks-long correction officer strike from future state employment.
Approximately 10,000 security personnel from the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision are currently working at ...
Hochul signed an executive order Monday that bars the hiring of individuals who continue to participate in strike actions ...
Rome, and members of the Senate Republican Conference announced that they have sent a letter to President Donald Trump.
According to the Governor’s office, the strike ended after four attempts to reach an agreement between DOCCS and NYSCOPBA, ...