One time she mentioned that two of her friends were angry with her because she canceled a lunch date at the last minute. I ...
I don’t consider myself a “square” but I’m having a hard time reconciling some relationships. My cousin‘s family now owns a ...
Dear Eric: I don’t consider myself a “square” but I’m having a hard time reconciling some relationships.
Dear Eric: I suffered a curable illness I was unaware I had. A symptom of the illness was anxiety. I was acting very ...
A husband who believes marriage is forever refuses to move out after his wife said it’s over; a man with an untreatable ...
Dear Sister: You’ve already saved the date and made tentative plans, so there’s nothing stopping you and your other sister ...
I told my husband I was done in our marriage during a marriage-counseling session close to nine months ago. This was our ...
I have been married to my husband for 16 years and we have a wonderful, blended family. Our kids are now grown (ages 26-35).
My friend has two homes paid off, retired early and is sitting on tons of money. She could actually be doing something with ...
I have a friend who I've been friends with for about 10 years. We both share views that lean left. In the past we've shared ...
With no family and no close friends, who does this letter writer with a terminal illness go to for company?
Letter writer is tired of a friend – who has “tons of money” – complaining about societal issues while not doing anything ...