In the heart of the Tengger Desert, a remarkable story of determination and resilience unfolds each year during the Tsinghua Shahu Winter Warriors Competition. As the golden sands bask under the sun ...
Investigators assessed frailty prevalence in a nationally representative US cohort and inpatient outcomes among kidney transplant recipients.
It was not until the latter half of 1971, when pharmaceutical chemist Tu Youyou was rereading the Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang as ...
The nation's banking institutions have a chance to respond to the policy directives aimed at boosting China's consumer ...
The first-ever Shanghai Bay Half Marathon was successfully held in Shanghai's Jinshan district on Sunday, attracting 4,857 ...
Jemná, krémová a plná chuti. Pomazánka z uzené makrely je stálicí českých kuchyní už desítky let. Přestože je její příprava ...
Sparkle artist Kim Ji Soo starred in the film Mujigae last year, playing an absentee Korean father. Fans of South Korean Sparkle artist Kim Ji Soo need to mark their calendars as one of the actor's ...
Před pěti lety prožila zpěvačka a herečka Lady Gaga těžké období, kdy se potýkala s psychózou, která ji na čas zcela odtrhla od reality. V nedávném rozhovoru pro podcast The Interview od The New York ...
U dětí s OMJ bych také nebazírovala na dokonalosti mluvení. Může se stát, že se takové dítě naučí nazpaměť nějakou definici, odříká vám ji, ale pak zjistíte, že vůbec neví, co vlastně znamená. Učitel ...
Zhenhao Zou, a 28-year-old former UCL student was convicted on Wednesday (5th March) of raping and drugging 10 women. In an investigation spanning over a year, police combed through evidence to ...
Zhenhao Zou, 28, of Churchyard Row, Elephant and Castle, was found guilty on Wednesday, 5 March, of 28 offences, including 11 counts of rape involving 10 women. A jury at Inner London Crown Court ...
Commenting on the shifting global renewable energy landscape, Zou Ji, CEO and president of Energy Foundation China said, "China's experience has shown that developing countries can achieve rapid ...