Giancarlo Gerini, bývalý taliansky vodný pólista, zomrel vo veku 85 rokov. Bol členom talianskeho tímu, ktorý v roku 1960 ...
Životopis novopečeného šéfa Tiposu Michala Hutníka je plný vplyvných poradcovských postov. Jeho pracovná história má však aj ...
Ask any dermatologist, and they will tell you that daily SPF is the single most important thing you can do for your skin – and tinted sunscreen could just be the low-maintenance hero your make ...
Aj medzi mužmi sa na stovke menili historické tabuľky, Švajčiar Noe Ponti zvíťazil časom 47,71 s. Ani jeden zo slovenských plavcov sa neprebojoval do sobotného popoludňajšieho bloku na MS v krátkom ...
This one from ZO Skin Health feels soothing, and Skin Spirit physician assistant Shawna Jones tells me it supports the skin-barrier function. The formula has allantoin, which Dr. Farhaad Riyaz ...
get the SPF record from a domain name decode and validate the SPF record create the value of a TXT record check if domains and IP addresses satisfy the SPF records The implementation is based on RFC ...
BRATISLAVA - Nový seriál televízie Markíza Sľub prináša okrem známych tvárí aj novú krv. Pastvou pre oči je napríklad modelka Adriana Novakov! V seriálovej chuťovke s názvom Sľub sa ocitlo viacero ...
It’s a daily must-do, right up there with washing your face. Nearly every skin concern can be exacerbated by not wearing SPF. It helps with everything from hyperpigmentation to fine lines to ...
When choosing a sunscreen, the SPF number tells you how well it protects your skin from harmful UVB rays, which cause sunburn and increase the risk of skin cancer. Sunscreens come in different SPF ...