The show is technically a spinoff series of Netflix’s To All the Boys movie trilogy, itself based on a series of young adult ...
In XO, Kitty, the spinoff of Jenny Han's popular To All The Boys franchise, fans were thrilled to see the return of Peter Kavinsky (Noah Centineo).
Jenny Han stans, rise! The second season of the To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before spinoff series, titled XO, Kitty, just hit Netflix on January 16. And in a matter of 24 hours, it’s already claimed ...
In XO, Kitty season 2, Sasha Bhasin plays Praveena, a new character who ends up being Kitty's love interest. Praveena is ...
As Jennie turns 29 today, let's look at her incredible journey from BLACKPINK to establishing her own company Odd Atelier and becoming an international success.