Scientists have discovered a way to use single missing atoms in crystals as memory cells, packing terabytes of data into a ...
In a study published in Optics Express, a research group led by Prof. Fu Yuxi from Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision ...
In a study published in Optics Express, a research group led by Prof. FU Yuxi from Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM) of the ...
Dynabook and NEC revive optical drives in modern laptops, blending nostalgia with high-performance processors, high-res ...
Optera Data is working on a new optical storage technology with its sights on 10TB capacities for as low as $1.
Optera Data is working on a new optical storage technology with its sights on 10TB capacities for as low as $1.
Western Digital had its first investor day focusing on its current activities and plans going forward as a HDD company. HAMR ...
Laser communication market thrives on high-speed data transmission, driven by satellite constellations and military ...
We review basic principles of modern optical magnetometers, discuss fundamental limitations on their performance, and describe recently explored applications for dynamical measurements of ...