Unlike the snowy owl, the barn owl lives at latitudes where it doesn’t regularly snow. The barn owl’s paradoxically bright plumage baffled biologist Juanjo Negro and his colleagues ...
In the vast urban sprawl of Arizona, the habitat of the tiny western burrowing owl is being destroyed—prompting ...
Discover the amazing types of owls in North America. The western screech-owl sports a gray look, but some birds are more brown. Essentially identical to the eastern’s gray morph, though westerns ...
documents later obtained by environmental groups revealed the agency had suppressed its own biologist recommendations that the owl be considered for endangered or threatened status. The Center ...
An unlikely symbol of cooperation, the barn owl is now getting global attention. Experts from 12 countries gathered in Greece last week to discuss an effort to help this remarkable predator that ...
But human population explosion has reduced the charismatic western burrowing owl's breeding populations by more than 60 percent, and counting. Early accounts of the owl in California described it as ...