Interior design and home decor have changed throughout the past few decades. These styles were and are the best of their generations, and can inspire you today.
Did you hear about the couple who met at the garden center while shopping for houseplants? It was a budding romance. During the pandemic, garden centers saw a 50% increase in houseplant sales ...
Houseplants have become increasingly popular over the past few years as more and more of us are filling our homes with natural foliage. Apart from adding a touch of nature to our interiors ...
In 1989, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) published a promising study claiming that houseplants purify indoor air. Its results suggested that certain common indoor plants ...
Instead, says Kansas State University horticulture expert Cynthia Domenghini, the root of the problem may be houseplants. “Fungus gnats are common household pests that are quite annoying ...
Ever notice tiny black bugs flying around your houseplants or landing on furniture this time of year? They are fungus gnats and the easiest way to control them is to create a trap. You will need a ...
If you live in a flat without a garden but still want to put your green-fingered skills to the test, investing in some houseplants is a great way to do this. However, for those of us with ...
There are thousands of different species of Bromeliads, and most of the varieties you’ll find for sale are the perfect indoor plant. The plants only produce a bloom once before the mother plant ...
It's called the Spider Plant and it's one of the easiest, basically fool-proof houseplants with a bunch of extra benefits on the side. Improves Mental Health Lots of research proves that the ...
However, a few houseplants could help alleviate the problem. A plant and gardening expert has compiled a list of four houseplants that can help eliminate dust, reducing the need for dusting products.