You cannot see it; you cannot feel it and most people have no idea what it does. In fact, most people do not know about their thyroid unless they have ...
It's important to prioritise your health at every stage of your life but over 50s have a few extra things they should keep an ...
Carolyn Adelsten woke up feeling like something was in her eye and it wouldn't come out. She visited an eye specialist, got a diagnosis of mild dry eye disease and was told to ...
Goitrogenic foods are rich in vitamins and minerals, and most experts do not recommend that anyone—including patients with thyroid disease—avoid eating them. However, there are a few sensible ...
Blurred vision: Experts say that in some people, thyroid disease causes fluid to accumulate in the tissues around the eyes. As a result, the muscles that control the eyes become enlarged, leading to ...
In most cases, the white part of your eye shouldn ... occurs when your thyroid releases too many of these hormones. An autoimmune disorder called Graves’ disease is the most common cause ...
Identifying these subtle signs ... of eye cancers include those with lighter eye colours — blue, grey or green eyes — and pale skin. People with unusual irregularly shaped or unusually coloured moles ...
Is thyroid cancer hereditary? Thyroid cancer can be hereditary or acquired. Associated familial diseases have their own inheritance pattern, and some have known gene defects. They include familial ...