We invite you to write letters to the editor. A maximum of 150 words is preferred. Letters must carry a first and last name, or two initials and a last name, and include an address and daytime ...
Educational funding for South Dakota public schools is governed by state law. Section 13-13-10.1(5) of the South Dakota Codified Laws outlines how annual funding increases are determined: The ...
The CFP National Championship game ended and then was followed by the most encouraging postgame comments in recent memory. To begin with, Ohio State Quarterback Will Howard courageously gave ...
Jaipur: In a shocking incident, a fight broke out during the farewell party for the class 12 students at SMS School in Rajasthan's Jaipur. The incident was caught on camera and the video of the ...
The (Protestant) Irish School Heads’ Association might be careful ... as relatively generous in the educational sphere (the block grant, the “Protestant comprehensive” secondary schools ...
moving forward, seriously consider these plans to protect the long-term health of this vital program. MONA HAYDEN retired public and private school teacher Baton Rouge ...
On behalf of thousands of Louisiana retirees, I want to thank our Louisiana congressional delegation, with special thanks to former U.S. Rep. Garret Graves and U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy, for their ...
High tariffs are an indirect tax on American taxpayers,” says John Bolton, who served as Trump’s adviser, 2018-19, in an interview with The West Block ... you to write letters to the editor.
School is back in session in South Carolina ... Join our community conversations and let your voice be heard by writing a letter to the editor. Letters can be a maximum of 250 words, and are ...
Otzma Yehudit announced that its members would be submitting letters of resignation to the government on Sunday in a Saturday statement. “In light of the reckless approval of the agreement with ...
Mary Brennan suggests that “Nato’s policy of creeping ever closer to Russia’s borders has resulted in the unnecessary deaths of thousands of innocent Ukrainians” (Letters, January 17th).
The picture of the beautiful creature killed during the black bear hunt took my breath away from revulsion. Why does this state applaud such a murder? It's sickening. I worked to defeat the bill ...