Based on a second assessment of the Davis Meeker Garry Oak tree, new options to save the tree from being cut down are on the table.
Deep in Washington forests, under the shade of the trees, a thick evergreen shrub called salal grows. Read Story ...
In Kenya's Samburu County, women are both the key protectors and exploiters of the threatened tree.The sandalwood tree, known as Losesiai in Samburu language, is of immense traditional value to the ...
Now is the time for some winter pruning on ornamental shrubs and trees. From December to late March is the perfect time to ...
The center of a tree or shrub stem (from roots to trunk, branches, and twigs) is woody, composed of xylem cells that conduct water from the roots to the upper parts of the tree. That woody section is ...
Agricultural Productions Systems McLeod/Meeker County Trees are often enjoyed more by people that come after those that planted the tree. Trees help define how a yard in ...
Don’t automatically blame cold weather for killing your plants over the winter. Most plants that suffer chronic winter damage and die are stressed plants that would have died from something ...
An area on the outside of a tree trunk that appears to be stained white or looks wet during summer is likely bacterial ...
With most trees and shrubs virtually naked this time of year, there can often be few observable signs of life among the ...