I am still working full time. I was told that I cannot receive any Social Security benefits as long as I am working full time and make more than the annual $23,400 guideline amount. I was also ...
黛咪摩爾再角逐影后。(圖/翻攝自IG) 受到加州野火的影響,第97屆奧斯卡金像獎入圍名單公布日延期2次,終於在台灣時間23日晚間公布名單 ...
When Torres’ work in “I’m Still Here” was announced as the winner, it might have come as a surprise to audiences who are more familiar with the other names on the list, but I wouldn’t ...
其中,過去長期聲援、救援死刑案件,被外界認為「非常挺廢死」的社會民主黨議員苗博雅此次卻異常安靜,也引起討論,就有網友發文質疑「苗 ...
But this weekend, The Brutalist was dethroned by Brazil's I'm Still Here. Directed by the acclaimed Walter Salles, the drama was released in five domestic locations, where it earned around $125,000.
世代被視為最做自己的世代,甚至有更高比例在職場中「安靜離職(Quiet Quitting)」——只做最低限度工作。照理來說,Z世代應該會樂於休年假、享受生活,LinkedIn的調查卻出乎意料,只有58%的Z ...
Walter Salles’ “I’m Still Here,” however, is not the typical home invasion movie. There are no violent assaults, stolen goods or damaged property. The film doesn’t feature any of the ...
That Walter Salles, the acclaimed director of “Central Station” and “The Motorcycle Diaries,” first depicts the tight-knit family of “I’m Still Here” at their most ebullient ...
Still, the men had some questions for him in regard to leftist groups who may or may not have been involved with a recent kidnapping. They asked him to accompany them back to a local police station.