has been “amen,” declares Dr. Stephen S. Wise in replying to a question, among others submitted to him by the “Hazman,” a Hebrew paper in Tel Aviv, of whether the Zionist Organization of ...
LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Rabbi Isaiah Zeldin, a leader of Reform Judaism who founded and guided the Stephen Wise Temple in Los Angeles from modest beginnings to become one of the world’s largest ...
Managed by Rula Health. Your call or email may go to a representative. I'm Stephen Wise, LPCC. As a therapist, I specialize in supporting individual adults in navigating their feelings ...
Reform Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch, senior clergy at New York City’s Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, told congregants in an explosive Shabbat sermon that he had “snapped” over the killings. “This was the week ...
The polite lie that we tell ourselves over and over again is that Hamas does not represent the Palestinians,” Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch said. “It is simply not true.” ...
Steve Wise graduated in Geography from Bristol University, and then spent 4 years in London, firstly as a PhD student looking at sediment movement using Cs-137 and Pb-210 dating techniques, and then ...