The Ghost Orchid, a rare, leafless flower, appears to float in the air. Its delicate white blooms and elusive nature make it ...
Large birds -- our closest relations to dinosaurs -- are capable of technical innovation, by solving a physical task to gain access to food.
Global insect invasions are increasing, driven by advances in globalization and technology. This Review discusses the effects of increasing trade and transport on insect invasions worldwide, and ...
Spring officially starts on March 20, but warm weather and blooming flowers usually come early in Arizona. Here's how you know it's springtime.
Knowledge is power,” so the saying goes. Just how knowledgeable are you about the units of the National Park System? You may ...
However, it needs cool climates in order to grow, and as global temperatures continue to rise, it appears that spongy moths are evading their enemy and expanding their reach: On Dec. 28 ...
The first comprehensive biodiversity survey of the park was published on Tuesday, revealing the rare and threatened species that live there, including the Sunda pangolin, the clouded leopard and ...
Animals around the world are under increasing pressure from a variety of threats. Find out which species are most endangered and how scientists are working to protect them from going extinct.
For more than 120 years, Fauna & Flora has been working with its partners around the world to protect threatened plant and animal species. Every year, our people work across hundreds of project sites, ...
This hovering capability is unique and has only been known to have evolved in just hummingbirds, a few bat species and these moths. The Sphinx Moth are some of the fastest flying insects and are ...
Mechanisms of reproductive isolation (RI), preventing the production or survival of hybrid offspring from different species, are the primary criterion ... Chinese Academy of Sciences for identifying ...
Look, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s Supermoth!” Late summer brings an amazing insect to our flower gardens across the United States. It is the sphinx moth, also called the ...