RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) -The Spearfish and RC Central girls and boys basketball teams squared off Thursday night. The Spartans won the girls game 59-57. Spearfish also took the victory in the boys ...
SPEARFISH — The city of Spearfish successfully applied for an energy efficiency conservation block grant to add an electric vehicle to the city’s motor pool and install a charging station at ...
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) has announced they have appointed a vice chair for the organization’s Agriculture and Food Policy Committee.
Spanish national Marta Elena Vento, 27, was working at the Travelodge in Christchurch Road in Bournemouth, when she was killed by Stephen Cole with a set of hair clippers on December 9 ...
Spanish national Marta Elena Vento, 27, was working at the Travelodge in Christchurch Road in Bournemouth, when she was killed by Stephen Cole with a set of hair-clippers on December 9 2020.
SPEARFISH — Roughly 100 days after SE Group released the updated comprehensive plan for the city of Spearfish, the city council Wednesday met for a study session to discuss removing 12 items ...
As the City of Spearfish builds its comprehensive plan for the next five years, several Spearfish residents spoke against potential changes to the draft during a City Council work session.
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Spearfish City Council hosted a public study session Wednesday to hear community members’ thoughts on proposed changes to text in the city’s draft Comprehensive Plan.