Rabbi Avraham Yitzchok Rosenfeld, the Rav of Tzemach Tzedek Shul in Boro Park for close to 50 years, passed away Tuesday ...
Marriage educators Rabbi Pinney and Helana Herman were invited to be guest speakers at a Shabbaton hosted by Chabad in ...
The letter released earlier this month was signed by rabbis and leaders spanning the denominational spectrum — from Orthodox to Reform and secular — and from countries including the United States, ...
A spirited group of seniors enjoyed the latest COJO Flatbush Senior Arts Party, held on Tu B’Shevat – the Jewish celebration of the “birthday of the trees” – which originated in biblical ...
Pinchas Zohav, M.Ed., M.A.J.S., a certified counselor, has been hired by the Northwest Division of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona to provide chaplaincy services to hospitals, retirement ...
The Ramban questions what the second half of Shemot that deals with the Mishkan, has to do with exile and redemption? The answer is that the redemption of Am Yisrael was not complete until they ...
About 60 people attended the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Tu b’Shevat program, featuring environmental leaders, Feb. 11 at Rid-All Green Partnership at 2889 E. 81 St. in Cleveland. “These events ...
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