Forgé par des décennies d’instrumentalisation, l’anti-robespierrisme reste un argument rebattu dans la bouche de ceux que la ...
There is a new theme park coming to Britain – though without big dippers and ghost trains. It will be an historical attraction with Vikings, knights and Tommy Atkins in the trenches.
Supporters of the French Revolution killed Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette, with the same apparatus used to execute common criminals ...
King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Maximilien Robespierre, and Napoleon Bonaparte lead a cast of thousands in this essential program from THE HISTORY CHANNEL®. Narrated by Edward Herrmann (The ...
Une période traversée par les figures de Danton, Robespierre, Talleyrand, Mirabeau, Fouché mais aussi de personnages moins connus comme madame Talien, la duchesse de Lamballe, Barnave, Axel de Fersen ...
Paris vacille alors entre rêves d’égalité intégrale et lame de la guillotine, entre utopie et coercition. Le Musée Carnavalet replonge dans ces mois intenses et suspendus sous l’angle de ...
THE Martyrs of Compiègne, a group of 16 Discalced Carmelite nuns executed during the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution, were canonised by Pope Francis on ...
In this English caricature, Cruikshank contrasts the Frenchman’s savage situation during the Revolution to the peaceful and plentiful circumstances of the Englishman. On the left, four famished ...
Méritait-elle le sort que lui ont réservé les révolutionnaires emmenés par Robespierre ? Ce dernier est considéré comme un dictateur, l’unique responsable de la terreur révolutionnaire et de ses ...
They then had to decide the king's punishment -- either banishment, imprisonment, or the guillotine. ♪♪ Remember Robespierre, who was against the death penalty? Well, he's changed his mind ...