The guillotine’s story in France had begun ... geared up for the execution of the king at the end of 1792, Maximilien Robespierre, the revolutionary who would soon go on to play a key role ...
Robespierre was arrested and later executed at the guillotine. This was to mark the beginning of the end of the Revolution. At the climax of this story, Ian and Barbara spy on a meeting that is ...
la guillotine. Deux secondes plus tard, Sanson, bourreau de Paris, entre dans la légende comme celui qui a tranché la tête de l’homme le plus important du pays. Cet article de septembre ...
During the French Revolution, a mysterious English nobleman known only as The Scarlet Pimpernel (a humble wayside flower), snatches French aristos from the jaws of the guillotine, while posing as ...
but calculating Robespierre soon rounds up Danton and his followers, tries them before a revolutionary tribunal and dipatches them to the guillotine.