The resignation letter went viral on social media, sparking a flurry of comments. A stagnant salary is one of the most common and significant reasons employees decide to quit their jobs.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his resignation on January 6, citing internal discontent and the departure of his finance minister. Social media reacted with memes and humor, while Trudeau ...
The footage of Trudeau was edited into a common meme template of a crowd cheering ... showing a crowd cheering in response to Trudeau's resignation is not legitimate. The original video of ...
A viral incident from southwestern China involved a woman's cat accidentally sending her resignation letter to her boss, leading to her job loss. The woman, who depended on her salary to care for ...
v=4tVgrN7x6eg A particularly viral meme involved a comical “wind mishap.” A video showed Trudeau stepping out to make his resignation speech, only for a gust of wind to blow his speech papers ...