Here in 2025, the region is looking forward to the centenary of the Tyne Bridge in three years’ time. When Spender took his photograph, the bridge was relatively new on the scene, with the ...
A massive restoration project to return the Tyne Bridge to its former glory is finally set to start in earnest next week. The ...
The restoration of the Tyne Bridge will take four years to complete Travel disruption caused by the restoration of the Tyne Bridge is expected to last half as long as initially feared. The road on ...
The "iconic" Tyne Bridge is unlikely to get a much-needed makeover until at least 2020, councillors have been told. The Tyneside landmark, which recently turned 90, has not undergone major ...
The Tyne Bridge contains more than 7,000 tonnes of steel connected by ¾ million rivets.The image of the Tyne Bridge is recognised worldwide. It symbolises the pride in engineering skills which ...
A sound portrait of the Tyne Bridge, linking Newcastle and Gateshead. With recordings by wildlife sound recordist, Chris Watson, the sounds of the waves, the wind and the wildlife are combined ...