Just be sure the rabbits aren’t already in your yard before you install it or you may have them forever in your garden! If ...
Anyone with a garden knows about doing battle with pests. Weeds, bugs, rabbits, birds — all of ... He built an electric fence to keep these pests at bay. Much like the electric fences used ...
Those Pesky Rabbits Rabbits are one of the biggest horticulturists problem. Without fences, traps, poisons or shooting it is pretty much impossible to keep them out. There are many products out ...
When this pot was rescued from a shelf at a garden center late last summer it had no label. But it was familiar to me because of the furry rhizomes that were crawling over the surface of the pot. It ...
You can also add electric strands to an existing wire fence. You can keep your garden safe from rabbits with a budget-friendly PVC fence made with pipes, conduit, and plastic or wire mesh.
Columnist Up and out of bed, put on a robe, open the bedroom door. Two dogs and a cat are waiting. Pour a cup of coffee as the dogs dash to the back door, hind ends shaking furiously. Outside, ...