The British Council's New Directions South Asia 2025 conference debuted in New Delhi last month, gathering experts to discuss ...
Before Trump’s executive order, the decision on an official language was left to individual states. More than 30 states, along with the U.S. Virgin Islands, had already passed laws designating English ...
“Having everything in just one language is an equity issue,” said Claudia Treviño García, associate professor of instruction ...
Official” is a very English word. It has its roots in the Old French “oficial” and the Latin “officialis,” and now – thanks to a new Trump executive order – ...
The EO claims that the U.S. will be stronger and more unified by having a nationally designated language that its citizenry ...
But what matters is the spirit of the thing. The English language is under not the slightest threat in America, and providing ...
President Trump's executive order designating English as the nation's official language is ugliness veiled as unity.
US President Donald Trump on Tuesday (March 4) set a record for the longest address to a joint session of the US Congress.
America is back.” Trump started his address by stealing a line from his predecessor in the White House, Joe Biden.
It’s no disrespect to speakers of, say, Tagalog to enforce English as our predominant language — and not learning it excludes them from the mainstream of American life.
“This order designates English as the official language of the United States,” states the document signed by Trump on March 1 ...
Unless we acknowledge the culture differences in how we and our negotiating partners approach language and leadership, we won ...