High prolactin levels can lead to issues like reduced libido and erectile dysfunction Here are some natural remedies that can ...
Anyone not having regular sex is potentially missing out on the benefits of feel-good endorphins, stress relief and feelings ...
Let down reflex adalah bagian penting dari menyusui. Ketahui beberapa tanda hingga cara merangsangnya di sini!
Sexual activity—whether partnered or solo—improves sleep efficiency and reduces night-time wakefulness, according to a pilot ...
It makes several different hormones, including one called prolactin. Prolactin affects the mammary glands and helps women make breast milk. Sometimes, a tumor grows on the pituitary gland and ...
It occurs when you have too much of a hormone called prolactin. Galactorrhea usually affects women of reproductive age, but it can also affect men. Galactorrhea is a nipple discharge composed of ...
During pregnancy, the hormone prolactin (PRL) is constitutively secreted by the placenta and is necessary for implantation, progesterone support, fetal development, and overall immune modulation.
Medically reviewed by Kiarra King, M.D. Pregnancy hormones are amazing and, at times, mysterious things. These powerful chemicals don’t just help your body grow a baby; they also influence your ...
The prolactin inducible protein (PIP) is expressed to varying degrees in more than 90% of breast cancers (BCs). Although high levels of PIP expression in BC has been shown to correlate with better ...
We have designed lipidized analogs of prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP), which is involved in energy balance regulation as demonstrated by obesity phenotypes of both PrRP- and PrRP-receptor ...