karena irigasi menjadi penyokong utama kegiatan pertanian di Gunungkidul," jelasnya. Kepala Badan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (BKAD) Gunungkidul, Putro Sapto Wahyono, menjelaskan bahwa efisiensi ini ...
Ia merinci adapun lima paket pembangunan infrastruktur irigasi yang dibatalkan yakni Daerah Irigasi Bendung Wonosadi, Kapanewon Nglipar, Daerah Irigasi Tanah Sumur Pompa Plumbungan, Kapanewon ...
BATAL DILANTIK: Potret Andrei Angouw yang merupakan kepala daerah terpilih peraih suara terbanyak di Pilwako Manado 2024 Berdasarkan Hasil Rekapitulasi Suara KPU Kota Manado. Namun Andrei menjadi ...
Kejaksaan Negeri (Kejari) Soppeng, Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel), mengungkap kasus dugaan tindak pidana korupsi dalam proyek rehabilitasi Daerah Irigasi (D.I) Leworeng yang menelan anggaran Rp 17,4 miliar ...
PETA activists are calling for Punxsutawney Phil, the region’s fluffiest weather predictor, to be replaced with a vegan “weather reveal cake” during Sunday’s annual Groundhog Day ...
Polling from the Australian Financial Review/Freshwater revealed Opposition Leader Peter Dutton was not resonating strongly with young Australian women, as analysis showed they were more ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — After News 2 shared multiple stories about people’s cats being killed, the animal rights group PETA has created an educational video. The goal is to keep people’s ...
Peta Bradley trained in muddy farm dams to prepare for the International Ice Swimming Association World Championships in northern Italy. She won gold at the event, which attracted more than 750 ...
Matt Stroshane/Getty Images However, activists from the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are furious that officials are close to reaching a deal with SeaWorld ...
Liputan6.com, Manado - Di usia yang ke-25 tahun, Universitas Katolik (Unika) De La Salle Manado berhasil mengukuhkan satu guru besar atas nama Prof Dr Jozef Richard Raco MSc. Proses pengukuhan guru ...