Experts say the situation is worsening in Ethiopia's most populous region, Oromia, where a conflict has been raging between the government and a rebel group -- the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA ...
Armed conflict continues between the Ethiopian army and the rebel Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) in several areas of the Oromia region. Facebook posts claim that two major opposition parties from the ...
Godina Jimmaa aanaa Gommaa Magaala Aggaarootti himatamaan ijoollee dhiiraa sadii kanneen umuriin isaanii waggaa 18 gadirratti yeroo adda addaatti saal-qunnamtii saala wal fakkaataa raawwate ...
Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) propaganda and media camp in Isiolo ... In August last year, two Korean missionaries were abducted in the Odda area of Moyale by suspected OLA insurgents. Their whereabouts ...
Is Belle Gibson still part of the Ethiopian Oromo community? The bizarre update that isn't included in Netflix's Apple Cider Vinegar. Thankfully, the docuseries The Search For Instagram's Worst ...
The latest strange twist to this tale took place in 2019, when Gibson claimed to have joined Melbourne’s Oromo community, originally from Ethiopia, and attempted to reinvent herself as ...
Pirezidantin duraanii Itoophiyaa Mulaatuu Tashoomee Ertiraan waraana haaraa Itoophiyaarratti banuuf qophaa'aa jirti jechuun dubbatan. "Walitti bu'insi biraan Gaanfa Afrikaa keessatti akka hin ...