A Nigerian lady has issued her reaction to the new nose job done by Aloma Isaac Junior who announced the latest body changes ...
It's not just the shape or size of your nose, it's the quality, the material there that is available to work with. Robert Kotler, MD (cont.) For example, thick oily skin tends not to drape down ...
A WOMAN has shared how she was bullied for her “Toucan” nose so decided to save up for a nose job – and the results have ...
Rhinoplasties were 2024's top facial plastic surgery procedure. Now, a less-invasive "mini surgery" called the tip stitch is revolutionizing the nose job and aesthetics.
One of the key aspects of ethnic rhinoplasty is that it avoids the Westernized ideal of beauty, which often involves a slimmer, more pronounced nose. Instead, ethnic rhinoplasty embraces and works ...
A Nigerian man who saw Zicsaloma's new nose shape said the comedian would need to go back to Turkey to also reshape his head ...