Your brain isn't broken—it’s been hijacked by dopamine overload. Discover how modern life is stealing your focus and how to ...
Qi was able to show that another chemical messenger called acetylcholine can trigger dopamine release in the bird’s brain ...
such as depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), in which low dopamine is a factor. It is even helpful if you are a normie, or neurotypical. “The people with ADHD, we need to use these ...
Dopamine is an inotropic agent that has vasodilatory effects at low doses. It is a common belief that low-dose dopamine may be helpful in the prevention and treatment of acute renal failure and is ...
Artist Kerry Jones says she’s a “dopamine dresser” and she picks her bold-colored outfits to ward off feeling grumpy and ...
Understanding the downsides of digital overstimulation, more people are adopting dopamine fasting to find joy in slower, more ...
In its most basic form, dopamine décor looks like a use of bold colours, playful patterns, nostalgic objects, and lots of ...
Getting a headache and feeling sick are common side-effects for many medicines. Indulging in risky sexual behaviour or ...